Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Where is Osama Bin Laden?

Where is Osama Bin Laden? That question has been printed, spoken and has crossed the mind of millions of people since the Twin Towers fell on September 11th, 2001. We now know Osama Bin Laden is dead, but the fight against terrorism and the never ending fight for freedom goes on.

The man who orchestrated the death of thousands (Muslims, Christians, Arabs,
Children) over many years died in Pakistan, but dictators across the Middle East and the world continue their tyranny at this very hour! We must not stop, sleep or rejoice for long as we cannot, must not, lose sight of the lives that are ending now as you read these words, in Syria, Bahrain, Yemen, Palestine, China, Libya and many more countries throughout the world!

The twisted desire of dictators and tyrants to kill and strip human beings of the light that shines within is strong, but the resilience of that light to burn and flourish is stronger!

We all know the name of Osama Bin Laden. We have now found him and we know what happened to him. The headlines and pictures will not soon fade.

Do you know who Oman Al-Obeidi is? Do you know who she is and where she sleeps tonight? Do you know Daniel Saud? Who is he? Is the name Abdulhahi Al-Khawaia familiar to you? How about the name Ai Weiwei or Hammand Hosssam Mussa?

Oman Al-Obeidi is a strong Libyan woman who burst into a Tripoli hotel to tell the world that she was taken from the street and raped by Muammar Gaddfis’ men. She has not been able to see her family or leave her home without being harassed or threatened with death.

Daniel Saud, leader of the Human Rights Committee in Syria, was taken by security forces in Baniyas, Syria last month and has not been seen since.

In Bahrain, Abdulhahi Al-Khawaia (an opposition activist) was arrested and his whereabouts are currently unknown. Other members of his family are missing as well.

Ai Weiwei, a Chinese artist, was arrested at the Beijing airport and has yet to be released.

Hammmad Hossam Mussa, believed to be around nine year old, was killed by an Israeli bullet near the West Bank close to the village of Nilin. He was murdered for getting too close to a fence.

We all know the name of Osama Bin Laden. We have now found him and we know what happened to him, but do (did) you know the names of the people above? Do you know what happened (or is happening) to them? Osama Bin Laden is dead and we can finish that chapter, but the next chapter begins. Let us not forget or forgive what has happened to ‘these’ people. Let their names become engrained in your memory (on the printed pages, on your lips and the news networks around the world) along with the countless others that continue to struggle for freedom and liberty today.

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